German Shorthaired Pointers

The German Shorthaired Pointer Stud Dogs are a reflection of our many years as breeders, training, fieldtrialing, hunting and competition in the field and in the showring. It is also a reflection of our many mentors, associations and partnerships. The German Shorthaired Pointer frozen semen offered is meant to continue to optimize your breeding program through the use of genetics.
Brief History
For us as breeders it was our goal to produce dogs that were of dual quality, (show & field), family friendly, and would handle from foot, four-wheeler or horseback and retrieve from land or water. For us the knowledge of genetics played a major role.
Our dogs were first and foremost hunting dogs. They were hunted in South Texas, the prairies of South Dakota and the Nebraska Sandhills in addition to local training grounds. For us, the sport of Field Trialing was a proving ground for performance and genetics.

How to Use Frozen Canine Semen
Frozen semen can be purchased weeks, months or years in advance of an anticipated breeding. Using a canine reproductive veterinarian and stating the required progesterone testing early in the female’s cycle will insure successful outcome.
Consulting with your canine reproduction veterinarian and completing the necessary paperwork for frozen semen transfer are two important factors in successful frozen semen breeding.
Advancements in biotechnology have made frozen semen breeding as effective as natural breeding.
Frozen semen is offered by Private Treaty, (Contract), that outlines your responsibilities and mine:
If you would like documentation of the quality of the frozen semen I would be glad to supply that to you.
If you are interested in a frozen semen breeding it is best to plan ahead!
My goal on the frozen semen breeding is to make us both shine!
Please share with me your breeding goals, your hunting interests, species you hunt, organizations you may compete under, the Pedigree and a Certificate of Ownership of the female you plan on breeding.
Also, you will need to include the Health Clearances required by the parent club, the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America, which includes the following:
Refer to OFA Canine Health Clinics in your area to find a clinic near you,
NOTE: Specific information regarding the AKC Registration number, FDSB number, DNA Profile number and OFA number will be disclosed upon completion of the Frozen Semen Breeding Contract.
DNA Test Results
Order Swab kit from American Kennel Club (AKC)
For reference, the OFA site is quite helpful in regard to explaining inherited health risks.
Also, UC Davis Veterinary Genetics Laboratory is quite helpful in explaining canine genetics.
Best bird dog ever!
Meet my Kona, offspring of “Jake”. She’s 100% bird dog. Always finding the birds before the other dogs in the field. Best bird dog ever. She has provided me and my children with tons of memories! A true bird dog! She has probably seen more wild birds than 90% of the “bird dogs” out there. And handles them so tactically!